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Client Results

Our primary purpose at Bricks and Clicks Marketing is to ensure that every small business is building brand awareness on social media to not only make their business more present online but also reach their target audience too.


When building awareness and driving consistency to businesses social media, we can see results such as the below which not only makes our heart sing but our clients too!

Image by Georgia de Lotz

Accelerating Returning Customer Rate

to 19.64% in just under a year

We helped one online business accelerate their returning customer rate on their website from 2.08% to 19.64% in just under a year.


Want us to help your business? Click the button below to explore our packages

Image by Nathana Rebouças

Growing Instagram Reach to

194% in just ONE MONTH

We took one of our clients account reach (total number of unique accounts that have seen your post) and increased it by 194% in just one month using our social media packages.


Want us to help your business? Click the button below to explore our packages

Image by Sarah Dorweiler

Developing an Engaged Audience by

20% in just ONE MONTH

We helped one client achieve their goal by developing an engaged audience who are actively liking, commenting and sharing their posts.


Want us to help your business? Click the button below to explore our packages

Client Results: Work
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