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  • Leah Follington

Facebook Update: Ad Reach Estimate

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

The worldwide outage that left millions of people unable to access the various social media platforms, including Facebook, was big news in October. The brains behind Facebook have been busy fixing this and creating a beneficial new update to help businesses flourish on their platform.

Want to know what this new update is?

  • Pre-campaign estimates – This function is to help the advertisers (you) gain insight on the estimated number of people that an ad can reach, due to the specific criteria that you will have chosen. To help make pre-campaign estimates even more consistent, Facebook is changing the estimated audience size to ranges instead of an approximate number previously used. Ranges are something that other platforms use with pre-campaign estimates for advertising. Don’t be alarmed by the fact that ranges are now being used, as this will NOT impact your campaign delivery.

To give you a little more information on how ranges are produced, they are based on information such as: the information you provide the platform when creating your ad, how many users were shown ads in the last 30 days, what content users have interacted with on Facebook (such as liking a page), self reporting demographics such as age and gender as well as where users see ads e.g. on their Newsfeed, Instagram Stories etc.

All the above factors will of course help grow the reach of your ad although, ultimately, the amount of people your advert reaches will depend on your budget and the ads performance when it goes live.

Although Facebook hasn’t delved into much detail as to why they decided to update this feature… We know one thing - that a lack of consistency in ad performance projections is incredibly frustrating and an inconvenience to businesses.

So, knowing this information about the new ad reach estimate means that you will be able to better plan your adverts and take into account the reach they will achieve when they go live.


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