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  • Leah Follington

Instagram Update: New Insight Features

Updated: Sep 24, 2023

Want to know who is really engaged and invested in the content you are publishing on Instagram?

Many times, we are posting content but we don’t actually know who is engaging in the content we are publishing whether they are local, from another country or how old they are etc.

Well you’ll be pleased to hear that now you can!

Instagram has released 3 new Insights features that are available from today so you can make accurately track who is engaged in your content.

Here are the 3 new Insight features:

  • Engaged Audience - this is the metric that collects demographic information such as where your engaged audience is based, how old they are, gender etc regardless of whether they follow you or not. This can be found under Insights -> Accounts Engaged in the Instagram app

  • Reached Audience - similar to the above however this metric tracks information related to people reached over a period of time. Aka how many people have seen your post. This can be found under Insights -> Accounts Reached in the Instagram app

  • Accounts Engaged - this will tell you how many accounts, in total, have interacted with your Instagram content over a period of time. Insights -> Accounts Engaged in the Instagram app

Knowing the information listed above, you can then create content that relates to those accounts that are the most invested in your content.

It can be tiresome creating content to ultimately not reaching the right group of people so make sure you include these metrics in your monthly review of your accounts performance so you can create content with purpose.

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